The website "", (hereinafter referred to as "Web site" or "Website"), is operated by "BE - LED UK LTD" :

  • Seat and registered address : The Old Rectory, Kirby Underdale, York, Yorkshire, YO41 1QY, GBR
  • Contacts : email:
  • Company Registration : No: 13243994 


The Website as a whole, its content and each of the elements that compose it (such as texts, photos, technical documentation, images, logos, etc.) are the property of the “P&L” Company or of third parties having authorized the “P&L” Company to exploit them.

The use of the Website only confers a simple right of free, non-exclusive and limited access to its consultation to the exclusion of any property right (including intellectual) on the Website, its content and each of the elements that compose it.

The mention of trademarks, corporate names, trade names or signs, whether registered or not and which may be attached to certain terms or signs used on the Website does not constitute a license or any authorization to reproduce and/or use them. in the absence of the express and prior authorization of their holders.

The absence of a mention of protection and/or ownership does not in any way imply that these brands, company names, trade names, signs, terms or signs do not benefit from protection.

Any authorized reproduction of an element making up the Website must be accompanied by the name of the author and the source. 

This website is hosted by :


Rue Eugène-Marziano 25

1227 Genève - Suisse


This website was created by :


39 Rue Adrastée


Tél : +33 (0)4 50 65 25 96

Email :


Hypertext links :

The Website contains hypertext links to third-party websites for which the user is invited to consult their legal notices, confidentiality charter and conditions of use where applicable.

The company "P&L" can in no way be held responsible for the content of these sites. The company "P&L" cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may result from their use.


Personal data :

The company "P&L" undertakes to respect the privacy of users of the Website and the confidentiality of their personal data when they browse the Website. For your information on its policy with regard to the personal data of users of the Site, you can read its Confidentiality Charter.